Mission Statement
YAHAVAH offers a variety of astrological readings, reports and classes, designed to promote and develop your greater Self-awareness that leads to an understanding and experience of your true essential nature
- To link you with the fields of Spiritual-Holistic healing symbiotically with astrology
- To provide classes that helps you to use Astrology through out your days to map all your plans be it at home, work, fun, love RelationShip, child birth, travel near and far future
- To develop a style that promotes a moving away from an event-centered, predictive form of astrology to a focus on an ‘astrology of meaning, enabling you as a person, to have a direct experience of your own true nature of being, and experience higher states of consciousness with the peoples of the world that live from this new "Higher State of Being."
- As we understand the nature of this process, we become more equipped to handle the tensions, internal battles and challenges of this 3 dimensional planet, all of must face to be able to travel our “Heroes Journey.” Learn to apply astrological principles that will enable you to meet every life situation without fear or panic but instead sharing your experiences with others to gain greater understanding of your life every day in every way.
- Identify patterns of timing in your life that reveal when to push forward and when to pull back thus formulating a concrete communication skill, that allows you to proceed with confidence, clarity of purpose in your mission in life.
- Experience the Joy of atoning with ‘Your Stars of Heaven ’ that delights to express through you.